CBS 2019




Active SB-P Versus Conventional Approach to the Protection of High-Risk Side Branches: The CIT-RESOLVE Trial Developing a Mobile Application for Global Cardiovascular Education Double-Kiss-Crush Bifurcation Stenting: Step-by-Step Troubleshooting One Versus 2-stent Strategy for the Treatment of Bifurcation Lesions in the Context of a Coronary Chronic Total Occlusion: A Multicenter Registry Percutaneous Coronary Intervention For Bifurcation Coronary Lesions.The 15th Consensus Document from the European Bifurcation Club Optimal Fluoroscopic Projections of Coronary Ostia and Bifurcations Defined by Computed Tomographic Coronary Angiography Contemporary techniques in percutaneous coronary intervention for bifurcation lesions T and small protrusion (TAP) vs double kissing crush technique: Insights from in-vitro models Randomized study on simple versus complex stenting of coronary artery bifurcation lesions: the Nordic bifurcation study ‘Small bifurcation?’ CT myocardial mass volume measurements change therapeutic strategy in coronary artery disease

Original ResearchDOI: 10.4244/EIJ-D-19-00721

JOURNAL:Eurointervention. Article Link

Double-Kiss-Crush Bifurcation Stenting: Step-by-Step Troubleshooting

AB Hall, I Chavez, S Garcia et al. Keywords: DK Crush technique; two-stent technique; how to do


The Double-Kiss-crush (DK crush) is the most studied two-stent coronary bifurcation stenting strategy. While published data support its use, DK crush can be challenging to perform. In this review we provide a detailed step-by-step description and troubleshooting for each stage of the DK crush technique.