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Optical Coherence Tomography


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Combining IVUS and Optical Coherence Tomography for More Accurate Coronary Cap Thickness Quantification and Stress/Strain Calculations: A Patient-Specific Three-Dimensional Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling Approach Early Strut Coverage in Patients Receiving Drug-Eluting Stents and its Implications for Dual Antiplatelet Therapy: A Randomized Trial Assessment and Quantitation of Stent Results by Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography alone versus angiography plus optical coherence tomography to guide decision-making during percutaneous coronary intervention: the Centro per la Lotta contro l'Infarto-Optimisation of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (CLI-OPCI) study Characteristics of abnormal post-stent optical coherence tomography findings in hemodialysis patients Randomized comparison of stent strut coverage following angiography- or optical coherence tomography-guided percutaneous coronary intervention Optical coherence tomography-guided percutaneous coronary intervention in ST-segmentelevation myocardial infarction: a prospective propensity-matched cohort of the thrombectomy versus percutaneous coronary intervention alone trial Optimal threshold of postintervention minimum stent area to predict in-stent restenosis in small coronary arteries: An optical coherence tomography analysis

Review Article2015 Jul;4(3):285-294.

JOURNAL:Interv Cardiol Clin. Article Link

Assessment and Quantitation of Stent Results by Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography

Maehara A, Matsumura M, Mintz GS. Keywords: dissection; malapposition; OCT; stent; minimal stent area


Optical coherence tomography evaluation of poststent results includes stent expansion as the absolute minimum stent area ratio by comparing the minimum stent area with the proximal and distal reference lumen areas or mean stent area defined as the total stent volume divided by the analyzed stent length; stent strut malapposition defined when the distance from the center of the blooming artifact and the surface of plaque is greater than the sum of stent thickness and polymer thickness; tissue protrusion through the stent struts; semiquantitative residual thrombus evaluation; and stent edge dissection.