The 15th CBS event, CBS 2023, will feature specialized academic forums covering a wide range of topics, including Complex Coronary Intervention, Intravascular Imaging, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Structural Heart Disease Intervention, Arrhythmia, Heart Failure, Hypertension, Basic Research, and Clinical Trial. The conference aims to showcase advanced medical technologies and treatment methods in the field of cardiovascular intervention, along with in-depth discussions on cutting-edge trends. It will also provide a platform for open dialogues among top experts, creating a professional, in-depth, and exciting academic experience for all participants.
Presentation Title
8:30 am-10:00 am
Youyi Zhang Moderator
8:30 am-10:00 am
Shao-Liang Chen Moderator
8:30 am-10:00 am
Luyang Yu Discussant
8:30 am-10:00 am
Linlin Zhu Discussant
8:30 am-8:50 am
Yong Ji Speaker Protein Thiol Modification and Cardiovascular Injury
9:00 am-9:20 am
Junjie Xiao Speaker Exercise Regulates Circular RNA to Protect Heart
9:30 am-9:50 am
Jie Du Speaker Exploration of Cardiovascular Translational Medicine
10:25 am-11:55 am
Hongbo Xin Moderator
10:25 am-11:55 am
Qing Jing Moderator
10:25 am-11:55 am
Qiulun Lv Discussant
10:25 am-11:55 am
Zuoying Hu Discussant
10:25 am-10:45 am
Fengyuan chen Speaker Sema 3G and Vascular Injury
10:55 am-11:15 am
Yuxuan Guo Speaker In Vivo Gene Editing Specific to Myocardial Cells
11:25 am-11:45 am
Yifei Li Speaker Mitochondria and Cardiac Development
1:30 pm-3:15 pm
Hong Gu Moderator
1:30 pm-3:15 pm
Xiling Shou Moderator
1:30 pm-2:00 pm
Xianyang Zhu Speaker Eight Elements for Cardiovascular Health
2:00 pm-2:30 pm
Hang Zhang Speaker Self-management for Patients with Heart Failure
2:30 pm-3:00 pm
Jianzeng Dong Speaker Prevention and Screening of Coronary Heart Disease
2:00 pm-5:30 pm
Xiaofei Gao Moderator
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